NBA Players Finally Open up With Personal Mental Health Issues

Recently, two NBA players had opened up with mental health issues that they were facing. First DeMar DeRozan posted a tweet:


The outcome was very positive from fans with tweets such as “You got us, the whole city.” which is very true. Toronto Raptor fans love DeMar DeRozan as he is one of the greatest players we have had in the franchise. Kevin Love also opened up with regards to the panic attacks that he had last month and had left in a middle of a game.



Kevin Love opening up about his panic attack.


I think it is great for superstar athletes to open up about mental health issues. It can be a real eye-opener to others showing that even when you’re successful and doing something you love, mental health issues can appear and it is better to be dealt with so it does not affect you in the long run. When athletes talk about mental health issues, it does open up doors for other athletes to who may have been scared to open up about it and get the help they need. It also in the best interest of the team to make sure that the players have resources available for mental health because if an athlete is suffering from a mental health issue, it will affect their performance during the game and the potential win for the team. Players at the end of the day are humans, and it is a great way to start a conversation of how we as a community are able to deal and cope with mental health issues as no human can have a perfect life.


If you are someone may be affected by a mental health issue, check out McMaster’s student wellness website as they have great resources and have people to speak with to help you.


  1. nancyshealthyrecipes · March 16, 2018

    Thanks for sharing, it is important for those suffering to know they are not alone.

    Liked by 1 person

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